
Surface Layer Research using JEOL JSM-7600F Scanning Electron Microscope. This microscope provides surface imaging of materials' outer structures. Using an electron beam, it can achieve surface magnification of up to 1,000,000x, enabling the assessment of material structure, coating thickness, and surface homogeneity.

Chemical Composition Evaluation using the JEOL JSM-7600F Scanning Electron Microscope:
The microscope is equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) for point, line, and mapping analysis to determine qualitative and quantitative elemental composition. Modular QUORUM Q150T S Vacuum Sputtering System. A high-resolution sputtering system for precious metals and carbon. This system is ideal for sputtering samples for high-resolution FE SEM microscopes. It also allows for the creation of nanometer-scale layers.

Contact Person:
Dr. Ewa Paradowska
Phone: +48 785 355 081

Topography Research using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
The EasyScan AFM microscope allows 3D imaging of the surface topography of the sample and roughness measurement (area and line-based).

Maximum image size: 2048 x 2048 points
Scan range in XY direction: 10 µm x 10 µm
Scan range in Z direction: 2 µm
Resolution in XY direction: 0.15 nm
Resolution in Z direction: 0.027 nm
Sample size: No restrictions
Measurement modes: Contact mode (constant height, constant force), additional dynamic and mixed modes.

Contact Person:
Prof. Dr. Katarzyna Arkusz
Phone: +48 789 441 749

Mechanical Characteristics
Strength Testing: Quasistatic (up to 1Hz) and dynamic testing of materials and parts under axial loads of ± 25 kN, torsional loads of ± 220 Nm, and displacements of ± 52 mm and angular displacements of ± 130°. Testing is possible for components with maximum dimensions of 400 mm in width and 1000 mm in height.

Testing includes tensile, compression, torsion, and bending tests. Environmental chamber testing is also available for axial loads of ± 10 kN and torsional loads of ± 100 Nm at temperatures ranging from 5°C to 40°C. Microdeformation Testing: 3D measurement of microdeformations in materials using digital image correlation for sample sizes ranging from 0.5 mm² to 15 mm². Deformation range from 0.01% to 200%.

Contact Person:
Dr. Agnieszka Mackiewicz
Phone: +48 789 441 686

Displacement Analysis using Optical Methods
Measurement of deformations and displacements in constructions from 1 cm to 2 m using GOM's ARAMIS and PONTOS systems. These analyses help assess complex structures, mechanical characteristics, and fatigue testing.
Designing constructions for additive technologies: Design and fabrication of construction elements using FDM methods. Experimental testing of highly deformable polymer materials.

Modeling and Experimental Testing of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems: Design and analysis of systems utilizing mass, heat, and energy flows. Modeling of real-world objects for automation control and monitoring applications.

Design and Construction of Mechatronic Systems: Modeling of drive systems, kinematic and dynamic analysis of mechanisms, and design of lever mechanisms.

Contact Person:
Dr. Tomasz Klekiel
Phone: +48 789 441 742

Numerical Analysis and Consultancy Services
Consultancy related to numerical design and simulations using finite element methods for:

Developing geometric models and numerical human body element models
Designing implants, surgical tools, and other medical devices
Linear and nonlinear strength analysis
Biomechanical system analysis
Static and dynamic numerical analysis

Contact Person:
Dr. Monika Ratajczak
Phone: +48 789 441 742

Electrochemical Research
Corrosion Process Studies: Using various techniques (both DC and AC), these studies focus on determining corrosion rates, polarization resistance, corrosion potential, and polarization curves (Tafel). Protective coating studies are conducted using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.

Characterization of Electrochemical Behavior in Physiological Fluids: These analyses are performed in solutions simulating human fluids or any electrolyte, including PBS, SBF, Ringer’s solution, artificial saliva, and artificial urine.

Ion Concentration Measurements: Using pH, voltage, and conductivity (in uS/cm or mS/cm), ion concentration is analyzed.

Contact Person:
Prof. Dr. Katarzyna Arkusz
Phone: +48 789 441 749

Other Measurements
Material Wettability: Dynamic/static contact angle measurement to assess surface wettability depending on porosity.

Spectrophotometric Protein Analysis: Absorbance measurements in the range of 190 - 1100 nm for the creation of standard curves with a minimum of five points.

Contact Person:
Dr. Marta Nycz
Phone: +48 789 441 696

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18